Friday, September 9, 2011

Gratitude is Power

This is one of my *family*.  Her name was LePounce.
I am grateful she graced my life.
I am grateful someone else chose to facilitate her
during a time 10 years ago when
I found myself with no home.
Yeah, the picture bites, I'm
still grateful I was able to rescue it
from my elderly computer.

We can spend so much time focusing on our trials and tribulations we forget our power.

Our power is All Ways to find in our circumstances what is a benefit or a boone.  Our power is being able to make the choice in our mind and take action to find at least one thing to express constructively about.

Since I'm overtly attempting to coerce you into taking that mental/physical/emotional/spirit action, I'll give you an example of this morning and me:

I'm grateful:
  • The automatic cloud backup on my laptop was successful this morning.
  • I spent at least 2/3's of my "night" actually asleep, so staying up until 6:pm without a chance of a nap (from now until then today) is within my reach.  If I meditate and practice mindful breathing thru my day today I'll still be awake and aware by then!
  • The mobile units I use to connect with people are charging and will function for at least a portion of the day today.  ::dances the *Woodstock-flitting-upside-down-around-Snoopy's-head* in supreme joy::
  • I have time to make this entry on my laptop before catching the first of my buses this morning.
  • Beyond thankful at being able to take a shower instead of sponge bathing (yeah, I know tmi) in this high heat -- WHOOT!
  • Attending a Social Media Workshop, that I wouldn't have had an ice cube's chance in Hades of going to today.  ::can you see me excitedly drumming with my feet on the floor?  Yeah, some call it dancing, however, since I have one arm that glitches, my feet are it, and you cannot call me a dancer by any means!::
That's six things, and I assure you, if I were to change my focus I could find lots of trauma-drama to focus on instead.

Since I can walk around with a smile and these positive things in my awareness, it makes it less stressful to then turn to said trauma-drama and find efficacious means of resolving the issues.

I know each one of us has a potpourri of things that can be perceived as heartbreaking.  I have no intention of dissing that.  I do urge you to consider the question:

What if you spent a few moments, less than 45 seconds at times throughout your day focusing on what you perceive gratitude for?

During the stop light or parking lot on the freeway?

Standing in line to get your dose of wake-up juice (if you drink it)?

While washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, or cleaning the tub?

While doing your laundry?

Getting into or onto your transportation for the moment?

What if that 45 seconds became habit?

What if?

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